Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Singapore's Capri

So its official then. This country IS for the rich and elite. The islands, which belong to the people, are going to be converted into a rich man's playground-probably with high security and watchful eyes and reduced plebian visitations-much reduced.

So all you heartlanders, be minimised and dont whine about it cos that's as good as it gets for you. Be marginilised in your grimy hovels while the crust and the cream flit around with the rich, famous and deliciously hedonistic in their own Capri, while you the minions, the underbelly, can only watch with your noses pressed against the windows.

And why? Cos you were born on the wrong side of the bed.
As an ex teacher I must say, that the level of curiosity in our kids is very very low. Clever kids they are but the reading habits of these kids are almost non existent.

I dont know how it is in the excellent schools, but in the rather good neighbourhood school where I used to teach, I found that even among the better students, there were hardly any readers.

We get the grades, doubtless and all the top scores in international competitions (though i dont know how these scores are nourished by overseas students (Chinese) and much training.

But thereat the excellence ends. There is simply no creativity in the system.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Old Man and his trips

So the old man, our great leader, is really doing very well for the nation. His fat paychecks are well justified.

He's travelled to all corners of the world, in serach of green pastures for Singapore companies, which is good.

He'e now at an age where he should be relaxing back at home, with his grandkids and havin an easy time. But he's not and this is even at the expense of his health. Of COURSE he has the best medical care, but he still doesnt have to.

He recently was wearing neck braces and remember he has a heart condition-he's had a stent installed (installed issit that word-he sounds like a machine)-no,no it is implanted. Remember he's had a stent implanted.

I suppose a man of his stature, his accomplishments, will far more impress his hosts than others and they will listen more intently to him than if they were to send someone else.

Well the young uns will have to move out of the country soon, its become to mature, to saturated.

I wisj I was young again, to blaze new paths.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So this is Christmas?

I suppose this should be down at Christmnas Time. But the great son hath given us gifts from which there is no return.

But I personally think, its to cover back Temasek's debacle in Thailand. I mean tax the left hand to give to the right?

Its that Bloody Bell Curve all over again.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Special Culture?

So the Seer has proclaimed that this country will not and probably never produce a special culture all of her own.

But its the vehemence of the statement he made which,(NOT in a 100 years) leads me to beleive that, far from not seeing it happen, he DOES NOT WANT IT!!!

Why? because he knows that any culture emanating from this place will have huge doses of the minority elements in it. And he doesnt want that, because he believes that it will show a totally different face to the world. A face that has components of the cultures in the country-not only the majority race.

He is afraid,mighty afraid that such a thing might happen.