Sunday, October 29, 2006


Just read a piece on why the country doesnt produce enough excellent, award winning, English language writers.

The writer suggested something like, prospective authors, should look at the country's Soul.

But does the country have a soul? Hasnt it been wrenched dry by the Establishment, and in place, a machine like, emotionless and efficient, way of thought developed.

For two reasons

1) To make this place a bastion of work efficiency

2) To produce an obedient population-necessary for development?

Soul, brings along with it, chaos and turbulence-not for the plebes and the minions in this place-for we dont know what we want.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Finally I'm doing something right!

So there's a report says that a couple of glasses of whiskey a day is cardiac protective. I told you so! And oh yes about that whiskey list-you gotta fit in Chivas' Royal Slaute in there somewhere, though the fact that I didnt fit it in, in the first place, means that I was probably not impressed too much by it, in the first place.

So gotta to fix my next cardiac protective drink

Monday, October 23, 2006

Godel and External Validation

In one of the foundation shaking mathematical discoveries, Kurt Godel proved that no system was self sufficient and robust enough not to have inconsistencies within it. To put it another way, any assertion in any system can only be proved by invoking laws or rules from another, bigger and more encompassing system.

Which means that in mathematics, we are always left looking outside of a certain system in order to prove assertions within it. And since no system can be proved to be right, no assertion basically can be proved to be right either.

Can this applied to human behaviour? I think. We all need to refer to a system 'outside' ( our parents, peers etc) in order to vaildate ourselves.

The truly free person is one who gives a damn about how others think of him or her.

Like I always say, there are 2 people, whose opinions, you really need to be concerned about.

1) Your Boss -cos he pays your bills

2) Your kids-cos you brought them into this world, and you owe them that much.

Therefore the only way to be really free?

1) Dont work/Be your own boss
2) Dont have kids.

The blog that hurt

So the MPs kid's been asked to remove her blog and counselled. Why? cos she said what she felt. Politically insenstitive huh?

But she's only a JC student? Thought from her language and feelings, she must uni level.

Great expression and deep beliefs. Its good to know our kids can be passionate about things.

They shouldnt shut people up. Great reading too. Would like to meet her.

Marraige or not

Marriage (Does it work?)

Talking to my friends the other day ( 2 of us divorced) and 1 unmarried. And the unmarried one was saying that its inconceivable for him to be looking at the same face (not his of course) for the rest of his life.

Well marriage works for some, I’ll concede that. But for many ( and the ranks are growing) it doesn’t.

First of all theres just too many distractions- in terms of women, men, clubs, parties etc etc you name it. Then there’s work. If one does enjoy it, then you find yourself at work more than with your spouse, to his/her exasperation.

If you don’t enjoy your work, the you find yourself carrying home the baggage of an unfulfilled career and you are moody with your spouse. Either way, work gets in the way.

Then come the kids and the need to be responsible! No more spontaneity in your lives. No more just getting it away from it all, on a sudden urge, unplanned, and ‘going up the country’

There should be compensations of course. The kid should bring more joy than if you didn’t have him, even with all the constraints.

But what if the kid brings along with him/her even greater pressures-such as a much higher cost of living and/or the expectations of him/her at school.

For men, who are in charge of their won security, there are so many things to do these days. There was a British study done on marriage and the reasons for it.

The men do it for regular and intimate sex while the women do it for the security. Nobody does it for love. Has it been that way since time immemorial?

Have we been lied to? Is marriage just a practical thing, a path to get laid and for the women, to have a pair of shoulders to rest their heads on?

I dunno-but I still get a hard on when I feel a girl actually likes me (that’s romance is it?) and I still feel all woozy and fuzzy when a lady shows some romantic interest.

It can’t be all practicality can it?


Call all the people who you invited for your wedding. Return all their gifts and they will in return throw you a big dinner.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dont they know (its the end of the world)

I suppose endtimes are near. Soon to come, in a cosmic cycle kind of way. maybe another 50 years, maybe another 100 or maybe tommorow. My friend tells me that the Mayan calender end at 2012. he says one interpretation of that is that year is the year the world ends-in apocalypse.

In the great Hindu Tetrayugams ( the great cosmic cycles) this is age of destruction (kaliyugam).

In the words of the Bible, someone once proclaimed some years back that the age of rapture has begun.

Well the signs are already there. the extreme polarization of the peoples of this planet. The extreme racism, religious phobia-all this due to the clash of peoples, cultures and aspirations and beliefs due to Globalization.

The great English scientist Richardson tried to predict the coming of wars in a mathematical sort of way. I think he didnt really succeed.

But since almost everyones got THE weapon and THE delivery systems, how long before a madman decides to unleash all this onto the world.

The US is the cleverest place on the earth. But much of their cleverness is being fuelled by foreigners, mainly Indian and Chinese. How long before these two countries, with their clever people returned from the states are on par with the US?

Is Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) good? this was, they say, the reason, the US and the Soviet Union did not fight a conventional war. The possible use of nuclear weapons and the resulting catastrophic consequences would have precluded war.

The Bible says that there would be a long epriod of peace before Armegeddon.

The Hindu book the Mahabharatha says the humankind will again perish in a flood and the Lord Vishnu in his final avatar as Kalki would appear as a tiny being floating on a leaf as all around him perishes in the flood. Is this the more likely situation as the world increasingly faces global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps.

Well whatever it is and however its going to end, lets all have a good time before we go.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Write On

If one has to think about what to write, then he'll probably not have anything to write

Friday, October 20, 2006

Heart vs Head

After a lifetime of a troubled life, i come to the conclusion that life in its many forms is just reduced to two things - Heart or a Head. Oh of course this concept has quite a few analogies, important ones. I think, most notably in religion vs temporalism, altruism vs selfishness and so on....

But ( more for myself) let me define what heart is and what head is. Heart is when your heart tells you to do something ( and it is usually joyous) until your head comes in and rethinks the entire situation and you seek a compromise which is not particularly satisfying.

Heart is about living with elan, bravado, instincts, gut feel, spontaneity etc while the head is about calculating, (maybe to the last penny, ) rethinking and rehashing until the heart is constrained by the head.

I notice a particular section of our population are people of the Head. Highly efficient, they are like robots, without much heart, without much color or expression ( but these days with the advent of globalisation and heor worshipping whites and their ways-some of thier women seem to have come out of their shells, but largely in a 'negative' heart way), without much spontaneity. Also without much joy, I think, for they are like machines, superbly efficient but deficient in humanness.(not humanity, mind you).

It is left to the other communities in this country to provide that bit of color and in doing so, bacuse it is a natural part of them, they are written off as flippant, showy, garollous etc etc. And because these people have the heart, it is of course at the expense of a bit of head-meaning that they are not quite as efficient as the Head people, not machine like in their productive capabilities.

The country always wonders why, despite so many attractive non human things going for them, it is difficult for it to find its way into the top leagues of the most attractive destinations.

It is always in process of undergoing change, a change to more humanness, buy how can it be when it majority population are people of the Head!?

People travel to other parts of the world (especially the Westerners) for that little bit of color, spotaneity, vibrance, joie de vivre, warmth that the people of those countries exhibit.

It is legacy of the leadership, a dour, ruthlessly efficient one, that its major population is created in the image of itself.

We need more color, it was boomed from the mountain tops. Yes, this is true. It'll take years to erase the head and bring back the heart to these people.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Walk into the Water

After a particularly alcohol filled night, I had a weird dream. That i walked into the water and became a dolphin and swam away squeaking with delight.

I woke up all agog of course but it was a particularly pleasant dream and I'd been hpoing it'd come back but so far no good....hmmm maybe I have to replicate the events of that night, especially the alcohol bit.



i wasnt a drinker until about 1999 and thats quite a way into my life. Now since then I find I can hold a tipple or 2.

I made a joke the other day about how the greatest key in the world is Whiskey, cso it unlocks the doors of your mind. Well it great, whiskey is but I think I indulge in it a bit too much for my own good.

Its good for a peg or two taken every night for its medicinal value and good sleep.

The Whiskeys I have tasted- its upon 10. (But really I wouldnt know what a 10 is-I just have to extrapolate).

1. Suntory - (there are 2 kinds here, one with a fairlu usual shape of bottle and the other with a bell shaped flask- the latter one's the best I have tasted and I will have to give it an 8).

2. Chivas 18 years old- Again we ( my drinking buddies) just come across this lately. Great stuff, smooth and thick. - a 7

3. Jhonny Walker Green - 6.5

3. Jhonny Walker Gold -6

4. Jhonny Walker Swing - 6

Great stuff-especially with Chinese food!

Tropical Heat

A few years back, there was a series, called Tropical Heat, about a detective working in a Caribbean/Hawain kind of island. Its signatute tune is one of the best I've heard and I've been looking for it for some time and lo and behold the other day I actually found it!

I was a minor jackpot for me. Heres the logo of the series and I hope I can upload the music file so that I can share it with you.

Nopes I cant seem to upload that file. But if you could listen to that song, it'll hafl bring t0 the sun and sea of the carribean.

Sherlock Holmes


Wow aint this like a new toy. So much to write and so little time. I just got this Sherlock Holmes DVD, black and white on the Hound of the Baskervilles, one of the all time classic, suspense stories with a touch of the supernatural about it.

Sherlock is played by Basil Rathbone. Thats him on the left. What a handsome man he is! Tall, lean, with acquline features (well not exactly acquiline, but with a long and chisseled nose), Rathbone is the essential Holmes. Jeremy Brett after him is a poor replacement.

He must be an advertisment for the Nordic Race, is Rathbone. His sharp, whip like resonating voice and bearing and manner, all make him a real hero.
Can I post a picture of him here? I'll try.

Its carthatic/ haze


Its great to have a blog. here you can come and let it all out! Its a carthasis! Otherwise, there's so much wrong with this wordl, that one just rankles and fumes and might end up with a heart attack.

The haze is a nice distraction isnt it. I belive we get too much sun. Its like everyday we wake up and we walk into a room with bright lights and there's no place for a quiet, toned down existense.

But of course its bad for health if is persists. I remember back in, oh, about '95, was the first time we were hit with the haze and I kind of enjoyed it. It was cool and things were foogy/misty and rather subdued and nice.