Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Yeti

The Yeti

I hear that ‘ol Robbo (Robbie Williams) has checked into drug abuse clinic for addiction to anti depressants.

Now why would someone like Robbo, who seemingly has everything, (money, fame, women etc) be depressed?

Maybe its BECAUSE he has everything, that he’s on the top of the mountain and therefore nothing left to climb and the only way is down, is the reason he’s down.

To paraphrase Mao- "the struggle is everything-its what keeps us going"- the hope that next day could be better. I mean if we didn’t have problems to solve or challenges to meet, where WOULD we be?

Comfortably numb, I suppose and so numbed we might just not wake up the next day. For what is there to wake up to the next day ? Another day without targets, any accomplishments, another day of boredom, indolence and idulgence?

In short, another boring, routine, mundane day. The trick I guess is to be always on that slope, never reaching the summit but always hoping to, knowing its there.

Its why there are addicts amongst us. Now take gambling addicts for instance. I don’t honestly think it the winning they’re after. No, it’s the rush of the excitement of an outcome that might come and bang them right in the face like a punch. Its being hooked on that adrenaline surge. Like an earlier anecdote I recounted, if you won all the time and you knew you were always going to win, then maybe you’d be be turned off gambling altogether.

Now, If I had a bit of money and some time to spare, my mountain would be the Yeti, the abominable snowmen said to be residing in the mountains of the Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet.

I’d be chasing him, knowing he was always a few steps ahead of me. But I’d never want to catch him cause then it would be all over. My mountain would have been conquered and the only way for me would be down, down, down.

valentine's day

So its upon again us, V day where if you have a girlfriend, you are compelled to shower attention (read money) to show your love for her. And oh yes before I forget, this extends to your mother, father, uncle, dog, cat, anyone or anything you've decided to love on that day-just to make yourself feel good.

So who really benefits from all this?- of course you've heard this cliche but as someone not so famous once said -every cliche has SOME element of truth in it. And the element of truth in this, that the masters of commerce, have commercialised love.

While in the old days, you showed your love, any day, any time, now in one full blast, you put on your best show and show that you care for your mate or whatever-just to return to the indifferent shadow of the lover you were a day ago.

Heck, the results are out, that women cant really be trusted. I mean there was that Japanese study and a British study which said women really lusted after macho men, while they liked being looked after by mild nerdy ones.

Now if that aint dupilicity, I dont know what is.

So, the verdict, is that women are as bad, if not worse, than men.

Then its ok, cos it's all fair in love and war. And when you bring your beau to your favorite posh restaurant and get that best table, and when you start looking into each other eyes and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears, watch out for those moments when your other half gets a crick in the neck, furtively stealing a glance at that gorgeous at the next table.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Lee vs Yeo

So like little kids, the kid and the mandarin are brawling in public over the bio stuff. stupid really, we all knew in our heart of hearts it wouldnt work. Philip said it'd take about 15 to 16 years before we'd see results. And is he sure of results? What if at the end of it all, we dont see results? That's heck a lot of moolah down the drain.

he's dismissed the World Ban 50-50 report as theoretical. That's ol' Philistine Phil. These people at the top dont really read do they? If they do, Phil would have found out that most scientific discoveries (major ones) are done before the scientist hits that ripe pld age of 40 to 45.

Well its about time someone told Phil off. he's getting to arrogant and too damn intractable.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Ode to Phil

Philistine Phil
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of scholars

As he came down
John Hopkins left town
And his scholars came tumbling after
So i WAS right, ol' Philistine Phil was sidelined because he was incompetent. His Great Bio foray is a failure. More Millions down the drain.

But Phil deserves it. I think he's bloody arrogant and he got what was coming to him. And that from the Mistress of Moving, the sister of the Prime Minister. (And wasnt she instrumental in moving Mr Shorvon right out of his position?)

And thats what we need, another Lee in politics. But its kind of telling isn't it, the photos on her table and the fact that the reporter brought it up. Mother and brother, but no family foto. Does she dislike the rest?

I know her father broke up her relationship with a Sri Lankan Tamil and she might be unforgiving of that.

She lives with him-more like she lives with her mother.

And she is the unabashed, outspoken supporter of organ sales.

Well, dats all for now, folks.